The Chambers Brothers

The Chambers Brothers

Best known for their 1967 hit "Time Has Come Today."


Full Name

Date of Birth

Still Alive

Date of Death

1954 in Los Angeles California

The Chambers Brothers in concert circa 1968.
The Chambers Brothers in concert circa 1968.

About The artist

The Carthage, Mississippi natives got their start singing in church choirs. Like Sly and the Family Stone, The Chambers Brothers were an interracial band (their drummer, Brian Keenan, was white) whose sound included elements of gospel, blues, rock, soul and funk. They started performing professionally in 1954 and achieved mainstream success in 1967 with their psychedelic soul epic “The Time Has Come Today.”


George Chambers, Joe Chambers, Lester Chambers, Willie Chambers, Brian Keenan

Did you know...

The brothers started out as a gospel and folk ground playing in clubs and coffee shops, and, with the help of Pete Seeger, appearing at the 1965 Newport Folk Festival.

Other Artists from this genre

Sly And The Family Stone

Sly And The Family Stone

The premiere artists of the psychedelic soul genre.

Genres from this era

Cool & Post-Bop

Cool & Post-Bop

The term covers subgenres like hard bop and free jazz.

Pop/Pop Soul

Pop/Pop Soul

Black music finely crafted and packaged for the masses.



The sound of young America masterminded by Berry Gordy.

Psychedelic Soul

Psychedelic Soul

Soul gets high.



Rock loses the roll but gains amplitude and attitude.